Intel Macs are supported by the high-sierra build which works on any macOS >=10.13 including Big Sur.

Important: The big-sur builds are compatible with the M1 arm-based Macs only.

big-sur build supports arm64 Macs (M1) from macOS 11 (Big Sur) and higher.high-sierra build supporting legacy Intel Macs from macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and higher.Starting with R 4.0.0 we are building R using standard Apple tools (Xcode) and GNU Fortran (see tools for downloads and details). To learn more about the R software or download released versions, please visit All software on this page is strictly experimental and subject to acceptance of the supplied R license agreement and the disclaimer at the end of the page. This is the new home for experimental binaries and documentation related to R for macOS. R for macOS Developers R for macOS Developers